What To Do If Your Program Crashes

If your program crashes during runtime (when else :-) there are a few
ways to  deal with this. Solution 1 is works for all programming
languages and has been used by programmers "forever".

Works for all programming languages:

Solution 0: Engage gray matter -- get a hardcopy of your code and
            *think* hard.

Solution 1: "pepper" your code with print statements (in the correct
            syntax for the language - I'm using Python here). Simple
            things like:

                 ... some code here ...

                print 'I got here #1  @@@'

                 ... some code here ...

                print 'I got here #2  @@@'

                 ... some code here ...

                print 'I got here #3  @@@'

            etc. will help. The numbering will give you a way to know
            which of your trace print statements executed. If it gets
            to #1 but not #2 you have some idea where it crashes. You
            can then move some print statements in the region between
            the first and second print statement.

	    By the way, the "@@@" will let you *easily* find all of
            your trace statements later and delete them *before* you
            turn in your code.

Solution 2: Use a debugger (we'll talk about these later)

Solution 3: Explain your code to someone else - often when you
            verbalize what you are doing your problem/mistake becomes
            obvious. It really works, even if you speak out loud to

Python/IDLE specific:

Solution 4: When a Python program crashes it generates a 'traceback' -
            it's worth reading. It will tell a lot, the line number
            and name of the method where a problem occurred, and what
            the problem was that caused the ultimate demise of your
            program. See this link for how to interpret
            a traceback.

            Finally, if you right-click on the traceback, it will pop
            up a small menu that will allow you to jump to the
            corresponding line shown. Also, IDLE shows the current
            line number in the lower right edge of the window.