COMP 655: Distributed/Operating Systems - Winter 2015
2025-01-31 03:20:22 UTC
Books, web, tools
Writing help
RESTful client
Menu service
Bulletin board
 First lab

Part 1 - install and start GlassFish

Find your PC's host name

Run the "hostname" command at a Windows command prompt

Write down your hostname

Download and install GlassFish

Follow the instructions in the installing-GlassFish page

When you finish this process, the menu service will be up and running on your PC

Try the menu service on others' PCs

Create the base URLs using the hostnames of anohter student's computer in the lab

Part 2 - developing a trivial Servlet

Start Eclipse

you may need the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers package for this course. Go to to download it if it is not on your computer.

Create a dynamic web project

File > New > Project... > Web/Dynamic Web Project

Name the project "tiny"

I expect that you can accept default settings. We will confirm this in the lab. When asked if you want to open the J2EE perspective, click Yes. "J2EE" should appear in a highlighted box in the upper right of the Eclipse window.

Create a servlet

In the J2EE perspective, right-click your new project and pick New > Servlet

Use tiny as your Java package name

Use TinyServlet as your class name

Accept defaults for the other options should appear in an editing window in Eclipse, with all of the standard classes such as HttpSevletRequest highlighted as un-resolvable. To fix this, do the following

Notes about this:

  • In some Eclipse installations, if you pick Build Path > Configure Build Path in the J2EE perspective, nothing happens. If that's the case, switch to the Java perspective, by clicking the "Java" button in the upper right. If no "Java" button is available in the upper right, pick Window > Open Perspective > Java.
  • If you switch to the Java perspective, right-click your project, and find no Build Path option in the menu, you're probably not in the Package Explorer. Pick Window > Show View > Package Explorer, and perform the steps above in the Package Explorer.
  • If you switch to the Java perspective to configure your build path, switch back to the J2EE perspective for the rest of this procedure.

Implement minimal GET operation

Use the following code for your doGet() implementation

String name = request.getParameter("name");
( name == null || name.length() == 0 ) name = "no name given";
response.getWriter().println("<name>" + name + "</name>");

Export your project as a WAR

Right click your project and pick Export > WAR file

For the destination, navigate to C:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy

Check "Export source files" and "Overwrite existing file"

Click Finish

Try your servlet

Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/tiny/TinyServlet?name=whatever

Or, you can use the RESTful client, which should already be running, or if it's not running, it should be available at http://localhost:8080/restful-client.

Select "tiny" in the restful-client's base URL menu, then click the GET button

Try the admin console

Point your browser to http://localhost:4848

Login as admin. The password is "adminadmin"

Click on Web Applications under Common Tasks in the left-hand navigation area. You should see your "tiny" application.

Part 3 - JAX-RS (time permitting)

Open menu.war with WinZip and look at the source files in WEB-INF/classes

Or, extract the files from the war file and look at the source files in WEB-INF/classes

Or, if you are comfortable with Eclipse, you can

  • create a dynamic web project
  • import the menu package from menu.war
  • import the web.xml from menu.war
  • import the jar files from menu.war to WebContent/WEB-INF/lib

I will give a short introduction to JAX-RS and (a small piece of) JAXB, using the menu service source as an example.