Assignment 4-1: Illustration with Transparency



  1. Acquire a photograph(s) to use in Photoshop Elements.
  2. Using the original image, draw the image to create an illustration by tracing and using a variety of selection tools, or drawing tools.
  3. Create multiple layers to build your illustration and eliminate the original photo(s) so that only the illustration exists.
  4. Enclose the illustration within a shape (other than a square or a rectangle). If desired add text to the illustration.
  5. Merge the active layers, but keep the background layer transparent.Your end result will appear as a logo background that is transparent.
  6. Write a brief statement describing what steps you took and which tools were used to achieve the result, and cite your sources.

Original Images:

Image Image Image

Final Logo:



Steps Taken to Manipulate the Photograpgh:

  1. I started with the Q-95 image, went to the Image menu, chose Mode, and then converted the image to RGB mode. First I tried to trace it with the pencil, but that just does not work out very well for me. I switched to the Quick Selection tool, and selected only the Q-95 part of the image, and left the rock n roll part behind.
  2. I used the copy command from the edit menu, and pasted it into a new file. I forgot about the size, so I went to the Image menu, chose Resize, then Resize Canvas, and resized it to about 4X6”. I then used the Move Tool and moved it and positioned in the top-left corner.
  3. Next, I selected the colts’ horse-shoe from its image, and used the Copy command to paste it onto the canvas, and used the Move Tool to position it. With the colts’ layer active, I went to the Edit Menu and chose the Stroke (Outline) Selection command, and picked 4 pixels & white. With the colts’ image still active, I created another layer, and put a black outline around it. From the colt’s image layer, I used the paint bucket to change the blue to a brighter shade.
  4. From the colts’ layer, I typed in the OLTS next to the colt’s emblem. This only left the outline of the letters, so I used the paint bucket to fill the letters with blue. I then dragged the cocktail drink into the scene, positioned it, right clicked to get the menu, and chose Send Backward to put it behind the horseshoe.
  5. Next, I drew an oval around everything (what I could). I kept having a problem, so I resized the canvas to make it easier
    to get all the way around it. I then used the paint bucket to fill it in with yellow, and then went back to the Stroke
    command to give it the blue border. Last, I merged all the layers and saved it with transparency.