WEBD-117: Graphics Editing Software

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Course Projects:

Course Description

This course provides students with advanced learning of Adobe Photoshop Elements. The projects will use tools, layers and filters to edit and create digital images for use in design.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to modify images and create layers by using graphic editing software tools provided within the Photoshop Elements application. Students will be able to create promotional materials using graphic editing software.

Required Text Book:

Visual Quickstart Guide: Photoshop Elements 9 for Windows by Jeff Carlson (2011)

Required Software:

Students will need access to a computer with the latest version of Photoshop Elements 9 or higher installed on it. If a student has Photoshop CS or Photoshop Elements 8, they will still be able to complete the required projects of the course.

Photoelements Book Cover

Photoelements Book Cover