logo (source: made by me in photoshop)
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I got into photography shortly after my daughter was born in 2007.  
She is my inspiration, I want to capture every moment of

her life so I can keep it forever.  
Web design is a new thing for me, but I love it...  
I want to know everything there is to know.


Photos I have taken:

bobbi (source: my camera with modification)  daisy (source: my camera with modification) lyla (source: my camera with modification)
wedding (source: my camera with modification) willow tree (source: my camera with modification) fall (source: my camera with modification)
ryann (source: my camera with modification) lyla (source: my camera with modification) sushi (source: my camera with modification)
love (source: my camera with modification) hair (source: my camera with modification) feet (source: my camera with modification)
lily (source: my camera with modification) lyla (source: my camera with modification) casey (source: my camera with modification)

Web Design

web (source: made by me in photoshop)

Websites I have designed:

Helpful Web Development Sites



