Comp 645 Resources

The slides are posted week by week.
Week 1 Introduction and Agile
Course Introduction
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Agile

Week 2 Inception
Chapter 4 Inception
Chapter 5 Evolutionary Requirements
Chapter 6 Use Cases

Week 3 Inception
Chapter 8 Iteration 1 - Basics
Chapter 9 Domain Models`
Chapter 10 System Sequence Diagrams

Week 4 Operational Contracts
Chapter 11 Operational Contracts
Chapter 12 Transitioning from Requirements to Design
Chapter 13 Logical Architecture

Week 5 UML Notation
Chapter 14 On to Object Design
Chapter 15 UML Interaction Diagrams (Sequence)
Chapter 15 UML Interaction Diagrams (Communication)
Chapter 16 UML Class Diagrams

Week 6 GRASP: Designing Objects with Responsibilities
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 (part 2)
Chapter 18 Object Design Examples with GRASP
Chapter 19 Visibility

Week 7 Design to Code
Moving design to code (Chapter 20)
TDD and refactoring (Chapter 21)

Week 8 Iteration 2
Starting the second iteration (Chapters 25 & 26)

Week 9 More Patterns
Second 4 GRASP patterns (Chapter 25)
Gang of Four patterns (Chapter 26)

Week 10
Week 10 Introduction & Use Case Extensions (Chapter 27)
Activity Diagrams (Chapter 28)
State Diagrams (Chapter 29)

Week 11
Use Case Extensions (Chapter 30)
Domain Model Refinement (Chapter 31)